Well, Jenny over at Saturday Centus has “done done it agin,” as we say in the Deep South. With the help of Clearspace, she has come up with a writing prompt with a twist. If you are unfamiliar with Saturday Centus, just click on the link above to learn the rules.
You know those horoscopes in newspapers? One of those will be our prompt for this week. We are to pic one randomly from a paper or a web site and write a story using the usual <100 words about the kind of day that horoscope "predicts". When you have linked up your contribution and read the others, be sure to visit Jenny at ...off on my tangent. Please try to read all the entries and give some feedback. That’s what a blogging community is all about, and you will see some very smart, original writing there.
I am and Aries, whatever that means, and I got mine from a web site called dailyhoroscopes.com and here it is:
Saturday, November 27 2010
You may have noticed that your old zest is back and your social life is picking up--you will seek out new people, maybe even a new job. Being more involved with neighbors or sibling(s) satisfies a deep emotional need. A new cycle begins for you, signaling a greater than usual interest in relationships, social connections and the arts. A family squabble helps to show off your problem-solving abilities. You are able to see both sides of an issue. The situation calls for understanding and compromise. Marriage and other close relationships come to your attention today as you express your appreciation for other people in your life. This is a time to enjoy and appreciate your ties to others, and to seek and promote harmony.
What am I supposed to do with that, and in less than 100 words, to boot? This will take some thought, but my on-call day has been quiet so far, so maybe I will get it done today.
Here goes:
Horrorscopes Make Her Cranky
Her “old zest” having turned rancid the day before Thanksgiving with the return of profound depression, cj certainly disputed the first sentence. Not her. Ditto the garbage about “greater than usual” interests. She was satisfied with the ones she had.
A family squabble? Happened weeks ago when she
admonished her stepchildren to “Be Nice or Leave” on family night - AKA the Jerry Springer Show.
Marriage? After only 18 months, she still felt very married to her late husband.
Who ARE these people?
She decided to climb back into bed and pull the covers over her head.
© cj Schlottman
6 years ago
Well done this week. I just couldn't manage to get anything written in under 100 words, so I cheated. You did very well with the "assignment".
Well, you did it! "Who are these people?" We've all asked ourselves that question!!
Good job with this. It's strange how horoscopes mostly are never accurate, ha. I guess maybe because they aren't for the individual person, who knows?
I agree with Judie! :)
It's such a hard time of the year for so many. Sending positive thoughts your way! :)
How tragic. Those horoscopes are certainly often filled with crap.
I find that works very well for me too. Pulling the covers over my head that is. What's that old Eddie Arnold song? "Make the World Go Away" ~Ames
well that was good and it made sense. I have been in the twilight zone reading these prompts to be honest :/
Well I don't supposed she'll jump to read a horoscope again then! ;)
So clever...and so real...and funny, although I am not certain you felt humored at the moment...Namaste
That is exactly why I avoid the astrology page in the local newspaper! The nerve! (I really enjoyed your take on the prompt)
Who are those people, indeed! I remember when I actually believed this garbage. Yikes. Nicely played.
Very clever! Although the horoscope did fit. Just not in the way that the writer intended I'm sure. I've always thought horoscopes were a bunch of hogwash, so this prompt was a bit of a challenge for me. Kat
"Who are these people" indeed! Been there...done that...don't want to do it again! :) Thanks for sharing your story. I enjoyed!
'who are these people' is so true. I dont know where they find them all from!!
Well done on relating it to your horoscope. Was a hard one to think of this week wasn't it.
I didn't even manage to get a Centus done this week. You on the other hand, acquitted yourself admirably.
I took away my first attempt at this, in case you tried to visit my post and found that it was not accessable. But it's working now. I have finally finished writing a Centus for week 30.
Best wishes,
Anna's SC wk 30
Go back to bed - makes sense. Enjoyed the post.
LOL! When in doubt, go back to bed. The bed is warm and welcoming and there aren't any annoying relatives there to get under your skin! Great job this week, CJ!
Such a creative post! Loved it!
I am Aries. I wrote ripples depicting that!
Love the "who are these people".
What a wonderful interpretation of this difficult prompt.
You did really excellent with this!
Thanks for linking.
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