It’s time again for Six Word Fridays, and I am posting on time this week! This blog hop is hosted by Melissa at Making Things Up, and each week she gives us a word or prompt. The rules are simple. Using six words, or maybe a poem with six word lines, write what the prompt brings to the end of your pen. You will find her URL on my sidebar, so click on over and start taking part! (Read my post first, of course)! If you are a poet or a lover or poetry, please visit me at My Poems. There aren’t a great many there, but I would love to share.
This week’s prompt: “This Much I Know”
I am feeling sad and wounded and my contribution reflects that. I am reminded of the famous quotation from Ernest Hemingway:
There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.
This Much I Know
My head spins with confusion, angst
has me in a headlock, squeezing
my confidence into tiny bitter pills
that scorch my throat, burn holes
in my stomach as they force
their way into my blood, muscle
skin, now prickled, spiked with pain.
Gone. Forever? I extend my hand
am rebuffed, left alone to feel
my tears trickle, splash against my
seared cheeks, seep into the sides
of my mouth. This much I know.
This Post is Linked to Six Word Fridays
6 years ago