This week’s prompt for Saturday Centus is: “he had never been accused of being intelligent..." For the uninitiated, Saturday Centus is a writing meme hosted by Jenny Matlock who is the author of the awesome blog, on my tangent. You can find all the rules and some pretty good little stories by clicking on the Saturday Centus button on my sidebar. And don’t forget to visit Jenny’s blog.
Here is my contribution for this week:
Leroy stood at the edge of the grave he had just dug and peered into it, wondering if there were a story associated with its soon-to-be resident.
A grave digger, he had never been accused of being intelligent, but his employers knew nothing of his avocation. For years, he had been making up stories about the people he helped bury, then publishing them on his blog. Lately, they had become quite popular among Jenny Matlock’s Saturday Centusians.
Taking his shovel, he peeled off his gloves and walked to his little cottage, then logged on to find the prompt for the week.
Jenny did not disappoint.
© cj Schlottman
6 years ago