Each week, our Schoolmarm with a Heart, Jenny Matlock, hosts a meme called Saturday Centus. To learn all the rules and get a feel for the entries, please click the Saturday Centus button on my sidebar. You will not be disappointed. Oh, and please visit Jenny's blog, ...off on my tangent...
This week's prompt is I'd like to teach the world to sing.... And here is my contribution - late, as usual.
Jane felt a bit dorky. Her friends were making fun of the new Coke jingle, “I’d like to teach the world to sing...” but she kind of liked it. The thought of the whole world singing together was appealing.
Could it happen? What language would they sing in? There were thousands of languages and dialects to choose from. Wouldn’t it just be an awful cacophony if everyone sang at once?
Thinking some more, she realized that it was impossible for the world to sing as one, that our planet is peopled with diverse cultures and languages, and that was a good thing.
But she still liked the song.
6 years ago