Claudia's First Saturday Centus
I am taking part in a writing exercise called Saturday Centus. We are given a prompt and from there, we write a 100 word story.
Today's prompt is: The small Cessna 172 picked up speed as it roared down the runway, Sara at the controls, the flight instructor beside her,
With a strong sense of envy, Sara sat on the deck watching geese fly over her pond, on their journey, going south. And she had never left New England.
She began to day dream, seeing white sand, clear water, herself lying in a lounge chair slathered with sunscreen, reading Vogue through Valentino shades. The handsome man two chairs over was not wearing a wedding ring; there was no telltale pale circle on that finger.
The honking of the geese interrupted her thoughts, and shaking her head clear, she dashed into the house and found the number for the nearest flight school.
This story if linked to Saturday Centus. Link on the left side of this page!
6 years ago
This was great and a totally different take. I loved all the descriptive words. Makes me want to know about the guy with no ring LOL.
Did you move this from your other blog?? I know I read this, thought I commented but now it is gone?? Anyhow, I really like this! Great job.
Unique and enjoyable!
I did move this post to this new blog. My other blogs have been about surviving the death of my husband last June, and I decided to create a new blog for less serious and painful content. Thanks for your input!
There is one of "those guys everywhere! Thanks for commenting.
@My name is PJ
@All I'm looking forward to reading your posts.
Very well done. a totally different perspective than the rest. I read your comments and am sorry to hear about your loss.
Glad you got involved and I like your way with words (o:
Very nice. I liked the direction you took.
WOOHOO! This is great!! Hope she learns to fly and gets that guy! ;)
@ Sami - I'm ALL for that! Thanks for commenting. I'll look for your post.
You finally got it up! Woot Woot! I've been waiting for you.
Charlotte, I still can't get to an email so I just wanted to thank you for reading my ending. Hint: bag=bomb; man=terrorist; gulls vs. prop plane=gulls always win. A heroine and a flock of heroes.
Oh hooray! I am so glad you were patient and worked through this...your unique perspective is so fun to read on this meme!
Hooray again! I admire your stick-to-it-iveness!
@ Jenny - Couldn't have done it without you! I love this forum for expressing as much as possible in so few words. Glad I found you.
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