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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Two Cents Worth

It’s Saturday Centus time again! Jenny Matlock has created this wonderful meme to help all of us sharpen our writing skills. We are given a prompt and must write a little story or a poem using the prompt - in 100 words of less. Intrigued? Clink on her link at the bottom of this page to got to Jenny’s and find out more.

This week’s prompt is "Did you notice Elizabeth in class this morning and how forlorn she seemed?" Perhaps I will write her a comforting note, I thought.

Below is my take on it, and you will find the prompt in italics.

"Did you notice Elizabeth in class this morning and how forlorn she seemed?" Perhaps I will write her a comforting note, I thought.

“Don’t enable her,” said Val, a judgmental scowl on her face. “She has no business trying to rejoin aerobics class so soon after her son’s death.
It’s unseemly.”

“In her defense, she is only trying to help herself.”

“Piffle! She has always loved the spotlight, and losing Tony is just another excuse for her to milk us all of every modicum of pity we have.”

My cell phone rang. It was Mac, Elizabeth’s husband.

“I hate to say this on the phone, but I wanted you to hear it from me. Elizabeth came home from aerobics and hanged herself.”

This post is linked to Saturday Centus - Button on the left!


Susan Anderson said...

Intense and well-written...

Disturbingly real, too. We had something rather like this happen in our town several years ago.

Jenny said...

Holy cow!

What a twist on this prompt. I enjoyed the macabre quality of this story.

Although I did find it slightly disturbing.
