Is it Monday ALREADY? Java has posted our “Meet Me On Monday” questionnaire, so it must be! Curious about her blog hop? Just click on the “Meet Me On Monday” button in my sidebar............
1. What is your favorite sandwich?
Give me a good ole BLT with home grown tomatoes and crispy bacon, lots of mayo, and put it on untoasted white bread. Maybe I’ll have one for lunch.
2. What is stashed under your bed/mattress?
You’ll find a few pieces of luggage (LV duffles that I bought years ago when it was still affordable - in Paris) and maybe a dust bunny or two. I chase them out every week, but they keep coming back!
3. What is your favorite flower?
Hydrangeas in any color and the camellia called “Betty Sheffield Supreme.” It’s white with pink edges on the blossoms, and it’s oh-so-beautiful. Oh, and I also adore alstroemeria...........any color.
4. What is your favorite magazine?
The New Yorker and sometimes “O.”
5. How often do you weigh yourself?
Every morning. It keeps me on my toes, as I weigh in at the top of the normal range for me. Diet? Try to eat whole foods and stay away from the white stuff - sugar, white flour, salt. (This time of year, when tomatoes are so fresh and juicy, I give myself dispensation for eating some white bread and bacon)!
This Post is linked to "Meet Me On Monday."
6 years ago
Fun as usual to read your answers...
My favorite sandwich is turkey bologna on wheat with miracle whip, swiss cheese, and tomatoes. Yum. (Tuna, chicken salad and egg salad are close runners-up.)
Only a baseball bat under our mattress. (My husband aims to protect us in his own special way...)
I love so many flowers I can't choose, but I love the smells of gardenias and lilacs best.
My favorite magazine is one from my church called The Ensign.
I weigh myself once a month unless I'm dieting, and then it's once a week.
Hi! I'm a new follower via Google Friend Connect. Found you through the Monday Blog Hop! :) Hopefully you can stop by! I love Hydrangeas too! I have a couple I'm growing.
-Ai Mei
Hi my friend! Just stopping by your new blog. Monday does sort of sneak up on you don't it? :-)
I completely forgot about BLTs when I was listing my favorites. I do love a good BLT.
I've got some hydrangea that I rooted from last year that are doing really well. They were pink to start out but I'm sure they'll turn blue (or maybe lavender) because of our sandy soil
I love keeping up with you.
Have a great day.
Just stopping by now following
Looks like BLT's are a favorite of quite a few people! Just give me a PB&J and I'm happy!
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