Better late that never, as the old cliché goes. I’m late to Jenny Matlock’s Saturday Centus party, but I hope there’s a glass of wine for this tired nurse. This is my favorite meme because it challanges us to distill our words down, which makes them more powerful, gives them more density. Each week Jenny gives us a prompt, and from that prompt we are to write a 100 word story, not including the prompt itself. You will find the Saturday Centus button on my sidebar. Click on over and read some good stuff. (If you're not too late)!
This week’s prompt: it was a dark and stormy night
Here’s what I did with it. The prompt is in italics.
It was a dark and stormy night,
lightening flashing, thunder crashing,
windows rattling, our teeth chattering.
We hid under the bed, clutching
one another like life savers
my brother and I.
The front door flew open, banging
against the foyer wall. Wind swept
through the hall that bisected our
antebellum home just yards from
the rising river.
Afraid to come out of hiding
lest we be swept away by the
howling wind, we clung together
with new energy.
An eerie quiet fell on the
house. We stared into each other’s
eyes, sighing, palpably relieved
“Grandpa’s finally gone.
We can go out now.”
“You sure? I’m still scared.”
6 years ago
Yikes, so am I!
PS. Good job, CJ! You really set a mood here.
Cool story, C.J.! Glad you made it this week! Loved your wonderful descriptions and stirring visuals. I could totally feel the terror! Nicely done!
Wow, you really made me feel like I was in the room with those terrified kids. So glad that you made it, I would have hated to miss this! Kat
Wow. Love the lifesavers line. Love your writing. This was a great read.
Stop on by. Mr. Jenny has a wine fridge overflowing with all kinds of pretty bottles. I don't drink it but I suspect it's tasty!
Get some rest.
Thanks for sharing your talents with us.
Glad you weren't too tired to write! That rising river gives me the creeps! :)
Ok ... this is really freaky. I don't think I want to know more about Grandpa!!
I'm a little late to the party too. Well, very late. Posted three weeks of centi in one for this prompt. And now I'm late commenting on a prior weeks centus, but like you said, better late than never.
Great job! I love the rhythm of this and sense chaotic urgency the second line launched us into.
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