This week’s prompt for Saturday Centus is: “everything depended upon this single card.....” For the uninitiated, Saturday Centus is a writing meme hosted by Jenny Matlock who is the author of the awesome blog, on my tangent. You can find all the rules and some pretty good little stories by clicking on the Saturday Centus button on my sidebar. And don’t forget to visit Jenny’s blog.
Here is my contribution for this week. The prompt is in italics.
At the bridge table, four players were concentrating on the game. My husband and I had bid a grand slam in notrump, and I was playing the hand.
When dummy went down, I took as much time as I needed before addressing the lead. I counted the sure winners and could only come up with twelve.
I looked in my hand again. There was small club I needed to throw off on something from dummy.
With $1,000 riding on this hand, everything depended upon this single card.......the rent, groceries and day care. I went down one.
That night's beating was the worst ever.
© cj Schlottman
6 years ago
A big THANK YOU to every person who comes here to comment on my Centus.
You all ROCK!
Eek! that would be the worst ever ... a great SC! :o)
Oh I like the way you took this prompt...I hope they can get all those bills paid! ...with more left over! Nicely written!
Bridge? I've never played, but my grandparents did and those terms sound familiar. This was very well written CJ. I hope the "beating" was metaphorical, but I fear it wasn't. Really well done. Kat
Hopefully that beating was figurative only.
But I suspect not.
Well done, CJ. And unsettling.
ouch! that would hurt! well written CJ ... you had me anticipating the outcome.
Every bridge player's nightmare!! Good work on this!
I hope the beating was in reference to the card game CJ?~Ames
Yikes...that is the ultimate bring down for a bridge player !
Very nice job !!!
How terrifying - everything, including personal safety, depending on the turn of a card. Well done:-)
I don't now bridge but it sounds like a kinda/sorta scary game - ha!
It's funny how the short words and concise wording led to the tension. I like this particular writing device. I'm going to give it a try!
Thanks for linking. This was cool!
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