I do understand that it’s Tuesday. I do understand that if I wait this late to post on Saturday Centus, I will not have as many visitors as those who post early. But I’m here, ready to wade into the pool with all the other Centusians. Each Saturday, Jenny Matlock from “...off on my tangent...” assigns us a prompt from which we are to create a small story of 100 words or less, not counting the number of words in the prompt. For all the rules and to see all the entries, click on Saturday Centus on my sidebar.
This week’s prompt?
“Exit 181, 1/2 mile ahead...”
So, here goes.
I have no idea where to start with this prompt. My imagination is in the shop, getting a much needed tune up. The realness if my life has recently run amuck, mowing down my creativity. So typical of me to swing high and low.
Yesterday, I loaded up my dogs and took my car out on the highway, rolled down the windows, opened the sun roof, breathed deeply of the spring air. When I saw the sign “Exit 181, 1/2 miles ahead,” I realized I was 173 miles from home with three hungry dogs and no money for gas.
© cj Schlottman
6 years ago
Ut oh, hope you have a credit card! Take the dogs to the drive thru, that's what we do!
Better late than never CJ! This was great. So easy to lose one's self in a leisurely drive.~Ames
Perfect ... the story, not hungry dogs and no gas! LOL :o)
Excellent job Claudia !
Your imagination is alive and well...
What a predicament to be in.This one gave me a really good laugh too !
Sounds to me like your creativity is A-okay!
That's too bad....you have have gone on for an interesting ride if everyday problems hadn't cropped up. Lovely one and so realistic,I can feel the wind blowing.
Oops! Hope there's enough in the tank to get you home.
What happened next? It seems you paid the price for daydreaming.
I loved this, CJ! So real and so well written it sounds like it actually happened! Excellent job!
A totally different take! Well done!
Holy cow. We might be twins. Seriously. Or at least I might be a twin of the person in your story. I do stuff like this ALL the time.
Wow. I feel like you might have been talking to my husband or something.
Really great twist to this prompt.
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