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Friday, October 15, 2010

favorite things @ Small Stories and Stuff

it’s six word fridays time again, and for a change, i’m showing up on time. melissa at "Making Things Up" gives us a prompt each friday and with it we may use only six words to say what we want - or, and this is what i usually do - write a poem or essay using only six words per line. this week’s prompt is “favorite things,” so here goes............

funny crooked smiles------sweet puppy breath

angelic baby faces------pink awareness ribbons

verdant spring lawns------crisp autumn days

old people laughing------young people playing

rich chocolate truffles------ruffled linen blouses

incandescent light bulbs------warm summer sun

tender loving kisses------our angels unaware

every beatles song------wind chimes singing

timeless vintage dresses------fresh cut grass

happy intact families------secrets kept secret

innocent baby kittens------grandmas in swimsuits

new eye make-up------wal-mart super stores

green-eyed men------my two dogs

simple country food------all my readers


Anonymous said...

I agree. Very nice list.

Ms. Monet said...

I like the pairing of the different things. It made me think not only of each individual thing but also of their relationship to each other. Nice!

Susan Anderson said...

This was really interesting, and I found myself doing the same thing Ms. Monet describes.

Thanks, I enjoyed it!


melissa said...

Love this structure! Pairs of favorites.
Some related, some not, all delightful!