Happy First Birthday, Saturday Centus! And thanks to Jenny for thinking it up and making it happen. It has accomplished exactly what she wished - brought out the writing skills of all of us who participate. We are a diverse group spanning several generations, but each of us has found a place here, a safe place to be creative, share our truths and (sometimes) vent. Today we celertate our first anniversary.
So, it is only fitting that this week’s prompt is "Although the traditional gift for a first anniversary is paper..."
Here is my gift on this special day.
We Are One Year Old Today
Keyboards hum on Saturdays as Centusians tap out words meant to be posted along with the others on Jenny’s acclaimed world-class blog. Not a competition, no. Jenny’s classroom is a place to stretch and grow, learn from others’ posts, maybe stick out our necks a little. Points of view are amazingly varying, from the most modest post to the most (shall I say)? daring. Lovers of words, we take this meme to heart, give it our all, or sometimes all we’ve got.
Happy Anniversary to Jenny and all Centusians!
"Although the traditional gift for a first anniversary is paper..," Paper we’ve got, I’m throwing in some scissors and a rock!
© cj Schlottman
6 years ago